My intention for our massage session is to create a place where you are able to feel safe and supported, allowing whatever needs to happen to unfold naturally. I feel honored to be able to hold space and witness these beautiful and sometimes transformative experiences.
I try to maintain a deep presence and follow my intuition and curiosity, allowing the body to guide me. I hope you will leave feeling deeply seen and cared for and have a more embodied sense of self.
After graduating from the Center for Massage and Natural Health in Asheville, Emily discovered Esalen Massage and studied with Robin Fann-Costanzo. She considers Esalen Massage to be her most influential training and the foundation of her practice. By working with clients and sometimes witnessing the unfolding of emotions that can happen with massage, Emily was called to explore more deeply into the field of mental health counseling. She earned a Bachelor's from UNCA in Psychology prior to becoming a massage therapist, and is now in graduate school pursuing a Master’s in Counseling. Emily plans to incorporate her skills and experience as a bodyworker into her work as a counselor, to further explore the mind, body, spirit connection.