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This week, the basic techniques of Esalen® massage are taught. These include long, sensitive strokes combined with specific work on muscles, connective tissue, and joints. This gives the massage partner a holistic body feeling. The lessons include short lectures, demonstrations and practical exercise sequences, body awareness, and movement exercises. During the exercise sequences, there is room for individual support of the workshop participants. The educational vacation is suitable for anyone who is interested in creative contact between body and soul. From professional bodyworkers to people in social professions who want to integrate this message or body awareness massage is a possible career path for them, as well as into their work. For open-minded people who want to explore whether Esalen®, practical exercise sequences, body awareness massage is a possible career path for them, for people who wish to relax or help others to do so.
Intending to expand human potential, the Esalen® Institute began developing the Esalen® massage in the 1960s. The combination of Eastern and Western philosophy made the center for bodywork and therapy famous worldwide. Fritz Perls, Ida Rolf, Moshe Feldenkrais, Stan Grof, and other well-known therapists contributed their therapeutic concepts. A method was created that is unique in its diversity.